February 2, 2022

New young artists selected for TOA 2022 season

Young talented musicians from all over the world have answered TOA's call to join this season's young artist program! We were pleased to receive applications from Greece, Georgia, Poland, France, Moldova, Paraguay, Ukraine, the United States, Germany, and of course Romania.

The following seven selected young artists will join TOA this season: Adriana Gheorghisor (RO), Christine Razec (RO), Dora Blatniczki (RO), Eleni Kotsman (GR), Gabriela Opacka-Boccadoro (PL), Maria Pintea (RO), Valentina Puscas (RO). Stay tuned to learn more about them!

We look forward to supporting these exciting new talents in their quest to develop their inner artist, deepen their craft, and serve their communities.